读特客户端·深圳新闻网2022年4月30日讯(记者 鹿筱悦 冯牧原 李丹璐 张玲)甘坑古镇是深圳市古村落之一,这里曾是客家人聚居地,古建筑众多,房连巷通。有建于雍正年间的状元府;有徽派风情建筑群凤凰谷;还有炮楼、碉楼、吊脚楼等建筑融于山水之中,与百年的客家排屋形成了独特的客家文化载体。
Gankeng town is one of the ancient villages in Shenzhen. It was once a Hakka settlement with many ancient buildings. There is the Zhuangyuan mansionbuilt in the reign of Yongzheng; Phoenix Valley with Hui style buildings; There are also turrets, Diaolou, Diaojiaolou and other buildings integrated into the landscape, forming a unique carrier of Hakka culture with the century old Hakka townhouse.